Monday, 28 September 2009

Gillian Wearing

Giilian Wearing began to interest me in out first lecture especially her work entitled 'Signs that Say What You Want Them To Say and Not Signs that Say What Someone Else Wants You To Say,' in which random passers by were asked to write their thoughts on a piece of paper and hold them up. The pieces are to show the complexity of the human character, for example, just looking at someones physical identity doesn't tell you their exact identity and personality because as the cliche suggests, 'people are rarely what they seem.'

However, these photogrpahs are still intersting because we then ask ourselves how truthful the passers by are being- are they describing exactly what's on their mind at that moment? Are they covering up their true identity and hidden feelings and emotions?

Because i specialised in graphics in in my foundation course last year, i began to become familiar with typeograpgy and became very intersted in it and i particularly like they way that Gillian Wearing has attempted to show people's true identities with words and phrases felt by the passers by themselves because by looking at a photograph alone, we cannot truly identify someones character and personality, whereas on the other hand, there are still hidden depths of each person still not portrayed by those phrases.

I think that my piece will be influenced by Wearing for these reasons and because her work shows that there is more to people than meets the eye.

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