Thursday, 29 October 2009
Final Piece
Prep Images
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Photoshoot pics
These are some of the many photos which i would like to try out using for my Final Piece...
I'm not the most photogenic of people but i do really like this pic! However, even though it captured the atmosphere i was aiming for, it will be difficult for me to incorporate the metamorphosis theme and portray the meanings i want.
I particularly liked this pose because even though i want the meaning to capture freedom and transformation of my character, im peering out, still being cautious and still shy.
I could create the Corpse Bride effect with this and the previous photo.
This also gives the impression that i still need something to lean on and stability even after being free. I like the way im centred and the focus of the image but theres also a lovely background with the tunnel of trees. Dont think I'm going to use this image as a final piece because adding butterfly wings or images will destroy the essence of the original.
This was a completely natural pose which is why i think this is very effective- the way im holding my dress- i didnt even realise i was doing this til i saw the photos, so i feel like this captures the real me. Its as if im walking along free, but my head is slightly naturally looking down showing that i am thinking and havent just got my head in the clouds. i was thinking about layering butterfly wings and feathering them, getting bigger and bigger- symbolising the process of becoming free and capturing the image of metamorphosis. i dont however, want the wings to take the focus away from the nature and completely cover me.
ok, so not a great photo, but i wanted a close-up of my face to add butterflies on- almost as if they have been projected or naturally there.
I just like the way the light makes the image look almost magical. the pose itself is me holding on to a tree branch showing that im not ready to spread my wings entrirely at the moment. im also sort of peering, like im looking into the future or waiting for something.
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Photos to be used in my Project
I chose to lean against the tree as a sort of support resembling the fact that it helps to have someone to lean on however free you are.
Next, i tried a portrait photo so that i didnt have too much background space but still capturing the landscape. I left space at the sides to fit in my butterfly wings which i will photoshop in.
I thought this captured me deep in thought but is also quite calming. I'm not quite sure how i will put my wings in here but i may just add butterfly images coming off my dress. I just really like the photo!! Lol.
I got my photographer to take a picture of me face on to the camera in the middle- i can use this photo to incorporate two of my ideas; the first idea giving myself butterfly wings and the second idea using the Corpse Bride idea.
I just put this photo in for good measure!!! It was taken after i sat down next to a tree and to my horror, to find id plonked myself into some stinging nettles!! OUCH! My photogtapher thought she'd capture the moment though after my stupidity! Typical blonde moment!!
After researching into the theme of Metamorphosis, I came across this image on Deviant Art. It depicts a woman morphing into a spider- you can see how the artists has added extra arms to represent the numerous legs of a spider and has surrounded her in a web in a very artistic way. This is similar to the effect that i wish to create, but using a butterfly.
The artist comment on this piece is 'I really like her expression, it captures my whole idea of the metamorphosis series very well. Rebirth, coming back as a better person after being hurt. Changing into something you never imagined you could be.' This is also the image i wish to capture- a butterfly being the symbol of freedom, moving forward...
The same artist created a metamorphosis series also including a butterfly. She writes, 'It is a very "me". I feel like I'm transforming slowly but surely. Changing day by day, growing stronger and a better person than I used to be. I guess it's a thing that comes with pain if you manage to restrain yourself from becoming a bitter person.So she had been hiding in her crysalis and is now ready to break free and come out more beautiful than ever before.'
I dont wish to create my image emerging from a crysalis and will not exaclty be in the fantasy style and will be using photography, but i thought this was a very creative and beautiful image.
Ok, the theme of this image i found does not link to my theme of metamorphosis directly, but i would like to try a close-up shot (if im brave enough lol) to incorporate another one of my previously-mentioned ideas- have butterflies stencilled overmy face- the butterflies create the other theme of freedom, but also hide some of my face showing that there are still some hidden depths within me.
Simon Weston - essay source
Face Transplant
Friday, 16 October 2009
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Physiognomy and Scientific Racism
'Inner character or quality revealed outwardly.'
'The Art and Science of discovering characteristic qualities of the mind, by the outward appearance, especially by the appearance of the face."
'The study of character analysis through physical features.'
Scientific Racism
- use of scientific findings and methods to investigate differences between races-often to support or validate racist attitudes and worldwide views.
- Based on the belief in the existence and significance of racial categories, typically with a hierarchy of superior and inferior races.
- Often used to support political or ideological positions of racial supremacy, e.g Propoganda in Nazi Germany.
- Classifications of humans into distinct biological races.
- Most widespread during the New Imperialism period in the second half of the 19th century.
- These theories often worked in conjunction with racism, e.g. in the case of 'human zoos,' in which human beings of various races were presented in cages during colonial exhibitions.
- Such theories and associated actions have been strongly denounced since WW2 and the Holocaust.
- Today, the phrase is either used as an accusation or to describe what critics consider to be historical race propoganda, alleging the existence of different races.
Rough Essay Notes
(Using Phil's feedback from last week)
Basically, as mentioned in my previous post (The idea of perfection) i would like to explore the idea of beauty- what is true beauty? where does this idea come from? etc- Dorian Gray- story about the hypocrasy of beauty (that it really only is skin deep), however, it was written at a time when the idea that someone's personality could be derived from their face, was gathering scientific credibility.
- Physiognomy
- Scientific Racism
- Face Transplant Documentary
An agreed version of beauty to which other versions can be compared favourably- e.g. Greek profile compared to Asian profile. (Would like to use the Greek reference after studying this in Classics at GSCE and A-Level.
- 'Rule of Beauty,' - anything different from this cannot be as beautiful, and therefore inferior. This is an ongoing idea- Look at red heads compared to blondes etc.
- Put the idea of beauty on trial- (demonstrate a basic understanding of these ideas and select portraits, illustrations, drawings etc to enrich my argument.
Quick Photoshop Tutorial from Farideh!!
Maya Lighting Projects
2 point lighting- sun lounger
3 Point Lighting
I've got to admit, i sat at the computer to do these tasks a bit reluctantly, but as i got started, i whizzed through them and understood what i was doing- the dice and the toaster project, although more complex, slightly put me off Maya, but i think I'm finally beginning to get to grips with it and understand all the walkthroughs! It's made me more confident in using Maya so I'll be able to knuckle down straight away with further projects and i am very pleased with my progress here, if i may say so myself lol :)
Maya Toaster and Magnifying Glass
Saturday, 10 October 2009
Corpse Bride - Tim Burton
'You made your promise... You set me free...'
As mentioned in my first post, i admire the clever, twisted work of Tim burton- Corpse Bride being one of my favourite films!! I really loved the end scene where the Corpse Bride morphed into lots of tiny butterflies because she was finally freed of her sorrow- it has always stuck in my mind and fits in very well with the theme of my final piece. It would be a really good idea to photograph myself then to morph myself in photoshop in a similar way that the Corpse Bride has been, but will use brighter colours to reflect my personality- will need to consider the background but i will experiment with this :) :) :)
(Had to post a link to Youtube for now 'cos it wont let me upload it)
The brief story of Corpse Bride
Taking a Jewish folk tale as its inspiration, the film tells the story of a touching romantic triangle between the nervous Victor, the downtrodden Victoria, and the Corpse Bride herself, Emily. Victoria’s parents only want her married so they can get to Victor’s money, while Victor himself doesn’t seem ready for marriage, as we witness in an amusing rehearsal scene where he almost burns the house down. When Victor goes into the woods to practice his vows and inadvertently proposes to the Corpse Bride, he finds himself whisked away with her to the land of the dead. Victor is terrified at first and just wants to escape, but, as with Halloweentown in The Nightmare Before Christmas, the ghoulish-looking denizens are actually far more lively and loveable than the people in our world. The fast moving plot finds Victor gradually overcoming his fear and falling for the Corpse Bride, while Victoria, believing she has been abandoned, is forced to marry the vile Barkis. The land of the living and the dead come together, and it’s surprisingly touching to see the fear of the living give way to joy at being briefly reunited with their dead loved ones. The Corpse Bride finally finds peace and her murder is avenged (the identity of her murder probably won’t be a surprise to most people). The resolution of the love triangle may not please everyone, but the final scene manages to be more genuinely moving. There’s nothing too surprising or deep about the story, though it’s refreshing to see a love triangle where both women are decent and arguably more capable than the hero. There’s also some wonderfully romantic moments, such as when Victor and the Corpse Bride play the piano together.
Ideas for Final Portrait
- Tim Burton's Corpse Bride- turning into butterflies ( clip to come in a new post)
- Photograph myself and morph myself into a butterfly, ready to fly free.
- wings of a butterfly- outline- in each wing, add images of before and after my 'issues'- show how i have tranformed and morphed my life rather than physically. (Fade the images though so they'e not dominating the portrait and making it look messy)
- series of photos- starting with myself huddled up, portraying the shy, fearful, anxious me, gradually spread out and get more confident- end image being me with arms spread wide- tie material to wrists so when spread, form the wings of a butterfly- could photoshop this in.
- project butterfly images onto me or just my face and photograph- not sure this will work in relation to my identity, but will have a go!
- simple drawn image of me- trailing butterflies in the background.
there's some ideas, at first i was unsure about the whole butterfly idea, but i realised that it was symbolic of me!
Friday, 9 October 2009
Phil's feedback in note form (to help me remember!)
So, here's what i picked up and what im considering doing:-
- Move onto mixed media/colour
- Combine drawn elements with Photos and manipulated images/photos
- Get stuck into Photoshop and start applying practical terms.
- Use more abstraction!
Im also going to adopt the theme of Metamorphosis for my final portrait to express an image of the transformation from the past to now.
and to remember- my 'own face need not be the key to creating a compelling picture of my identity/identities.'
From all of this i now have a clearer image in my mind of what i would like to achieve with my final portrait and am going to get stuck in and create some ideas starting this weekend!! woop!!
Monday, 5 October 2009
What makes us who we are?
I think also that other people help to make you who you are. People meet new people all the time and its the ones you get close to that help bring out your true identity.